Make It Meme by Prealpha

Play Make It Meme for Free on Archivebate!

Make It Meme is a hilarious game where you create and share funny memes with friends or other players online. Join a game, get a random meme, and come up with a silly caption. Then, rate other players’ memes and see who wins!


Game Modes:

  • Normal: Create a caption for a random meme and rate others.
  • Same Meme: Everyone gets the same meme and creates their own caption.
  • Relaxed: No time limit, no judging – just have fun and be creative!

How to Play:

  • Click or tap to select a text field and type your caption.
  • Vote for your favorite memes using the red, blue, or “Meh” buttons.

Game Creator:

Make It Meme was made by Prealpha.

Play for Free:

You can play Make It Meme for free on Archivebate.

Play on Any Device:

You can play Make It Meme on your computer, phone, or tablet. Have fun!

Meme Buddy:

Show love to your favorite meme and become its Meme Buddy! You’ll get bonus points when you do.

Player Reviews