
Tomba! Special Edition: A Trip Down Memory Lane with a Pink-Haired Cave Boy

Tomba Special Edition

Hey there, fellow gamers! Remember the good old days of the PlayStation 1? Well, grab your nostalgia goggles because we’re about to dive into Tomba! Special Edition, a blast from the past that’s made its way to modern consoles. But is this trip down memory lane worth the ticket price? Let’s find out!

What’s the Deal with Tomba! Special Edition?

First things first, let’s talk about what Tomba! Special Edition actually is. If you’re scratching your head wondering, “Tomba who?” don’t worry, you’re not alone. Tomba! (also known as Tombi! in some parts of the world) was this quirky little game that came out way back in 1997 for the original PlayStation. It was the brainchild of Tokuro Fujiwara, a big name in the gaming world who decided to leave Capcom and do his own thing.

Now, in 2024, Limited Run Games has brought Tomba! back from the dead with this Special Edition. But what makes it so special? Well, that’s what we’re here to find out!

What’s New in This Special Edition?

Alright, let’s break down what’s different in this new version:

  • Rewind Feature: You can now turn back time if you mess up. Pretty handy!
  • Save Anywhere: No more hunting for save points. You can save your game whenever you want.
  • Remastered Music: The tunes have been given a polish, but you can switch back to the original if you’re a purist.
  • Screen Ratio Options: You can play in different screen ratios, including 16:9. (But between you and me, stick to 4:3 – it looks better!)
  • Extras: There’s an interview with Tokuro Fujiwara and a museum with developer notes and other cool stuff.

Sounds pretty neat, right? But here’s the kicker – visually, it’s pretty much the same game from 1997. They’ve done some upscaling, but don’t expect a full-blown remake here.

“If you were hoping for updated graphics or other major changes then I’ve got some bad news: visually and mechanically this is almost exactly the same game that released on PS1 in 1997.”

A Trip Back to 1997: The Original Tomba!

Now, let’s hop in our time machine and head back to 1997. The Spice Girls were topping the charts, “Titanic” was making everyone cry, and on the PlayStation, a weird little game called Tomba! was turning heads.

Who is Tomba, Anyway?

Picture this: a cave boy with bright pink hair (yeah, you read that right) running around, biting enemies, and solving puzzles. That’s Tomba in a nutshell. He’s on a mission to get back his grandpa’s bracelet, which was stolen by some mean pigs. Yep, pigs. I told you this game was weird!

A Mish-Mash of Genres

Tomba! wasn’t your average platformer. Oh no, it was way more than that. It threw in elements from all over the place:

  • 2D platforming with some 3D elements
  • RPG-style leveling up
  • Side quests galore
  • A dash of Metroidvania-style exploration

It was like the developers couldn’t decide what kind of game they wanted to make, so they just said, “Eh, let’s do it all!” And you know what? Somehow, it worked!

How Does Tomba! Play in 2024?

Alright, so we’ve established that Tomba! Special Edition is basically a time capsule from 1997. But how does it hold up in 2024? Let’s break it down.

The Good Stuff

  1. It’s Unique: Even now, there’s nothing quite like Tomba!. It’s weird, it’s wacky, and it’s wonderful.
  2. Charming World: The colorful environments and quirky characters still have a certain charm.
  3. Clever Design: The way the game mixes 2D and 3D elements is pretty cool, even by today’s standards.
  4. Non-Linear Gameplay: The “event” system gives you a lot of freedom in how you approach the game.

The Not-So-Good Stuff

  1. Floaty Controls: Tomba moves like he’s on the moon sometimes. It takes some getting used to.
  2. Frustrating Platforming: Some sections require precision that the controls just don’t deliver.
  3. Obtuse Puzzles: Get ready to scratch your head… a lot.
  4. Dated Visuals: If you’re used to modern graphics, this might be a tough pill to swallow.

“Tomba! is happy to let you stew in your own stupidity, and other times to let you stew in the game’s stupidity.”

The Tomba! Experience: A Roller Coaster of Emotions

Playing Tomba! Special Edition is like riding a roller coaster. Sometimes you’re up, sometimes you’re down, and sometimes you’re just plain confused. Let me walk you through what you can expect.

The Story: Pigs, Bracelet, Adventure!

The plot of Tomba! is… well, it’s something. Our pink-haired hero gets his grandpa’s bracelet stolen by evil pigs. Yes, pigs. So naturally, he sets off on a grand adventure to get it back. Along the way, he’ll meet a cast of colorful characters, including a 100-year-old Wise Man who fills him in on the whole evil pig situation.

It’s not exactly Shakespeare, but it sets the stage for a wild ride.

Gameplay: Jump, Bite, Repeat

At its core, Tomba! is a platformer. You’ll spend a lot of time jumping around, avoiding obstacles, and taking down enemies. But here’s where it gets interesting:

  • Biting Mechanic: Tomba doesn’t punch or kick his enemies. Nope, he bites them. Then he can pick them up and throw them. It’s weird, but kind of fun!
  • Boomerang Weapon: For enemies you can’t bite, Tomba has a throwing weapon. It doesn’t go very far, but it gets the job done.
  • Plane Switching: Sometimes you can jump between different 2D planes, giving the world a sense of depth.

The “Event” System: Quests Galore

One of the coolest things about Tomba! is its “event” system. Basically, the game is full of little quests (or events) that you can complete. Some are necessary to move the story forward, while others are optional. It’s like a primitive version of modern open-world quest systems.

Completing these events earns you points, which you can use to unlock new abilities. Want to learn how to swim? Complete some events! It’s a neat system that adds a layer of depth to the game.

The Frustration Station

Now, I’ve got to be honest with you – playing Tomba! in 2024 can be frustrating at times. Here are a few things that might make you want to pull your hair out:

  • Precision Platforming: Some sections require pixel-perfect jumps. With the floaty controls, this can be a nightmare.
  • Confusing Progression: Sometimes it’s not clear where you need to go or what you need to do next.
  • Weird Mechanics: There’s a section where you have to use mushrooms to make Tomba laugh or cry. It’s as strange and annoying as it sounds.

“Maybe I’m just getting old and soft and too used to modern games which subtly (and sometimes, not subtly) point you in the right direction. Tomba! is happy to let you stew in your own stupidity, and other times to let you stew in the game’s stupidity.”

The Special Edition Additions: Are They Worth It?

So, we’ve talked about the original game, but what about those Special Edition features? Let’s break them down and see if they’re worth the price of admission.

Rewind Feature: A Lifesaver

This is probably the best addition to the game. Being able to rewind time when you mess up a jump or get hit by an enemy is a godsend. It takes a lot of the frustration out of the more difficult sections.

Save Anywhere: Convenience is King

In the original game, you could only save at specific points. Now, you can save wherever and whenever you want. It’s a small change, but it makes a big difference, especially if you’re playing in short bursts.

Remastered Music: A Mixed Bag

The remastered music sounds pretty good, but purists might prefer the original tunes. Luckily, you can switch between the two, so everyone’s happy!

Screen Ratio Options: Stick to 4:3

While it’s nice to have options, the game looks best in its original 4:3 ratio. The 16:9 option stretches things out in a way that just doesn’t look right.

Extras: For the Super Fans

The interview with Tokuro Fujiwara and the museum of developer notes are cool additions for those who are really into the history of the game. It’s not something everyone will care about, but it’s a nice touch.

Is Tomba! Special Edition Worth Your Time and Money?

Alright, we’ve covered a lot of ground. Now for the big question: Should you buy Tomba! Special Edition? Well, it depends on a few things:

Who Should Buy It?

  • Nostalgic fans of the original game
  • Retro gaming enthusiasts
  • People who love quirky, unique games
  • Those interested in gaming history

Who Might Want to Skip It?

  • Gamers who prefer modern graphics and smooth gameplay
  • Those easily frustrated by obtuse puzzles and unclear objectives
  • People looking for a drastically updated or remade version of the original

The Price Factor

At $19.99/£16.75, Tomba! Special Edition isn’t the cheapest retro re-release out there. Some might argue that it’s a bit steep for what’s essentially an emulated PS1 game with a few extras. But for fans of the original or those curious about this piece of gaming history, it might be worth the price of admission.

The Verdict: A Quirky Trip Down Memory Lane

After spending some quality time with Tomba! Special Edition, here’s my take: It’s a faithful recreation of a unique and charming PS1 game. The new features, especially the rewind function and save-anywhere option, make the game more accessible to modern players.

However, it’s important to go in with the right expectations. This isn’t a remake or a remaster in the traditional sense. It’s more like a preserved specimen of late 90s gaming, warts and all.

The Good

  • Unique blend of genres that still feels fresh in 2024
  • Charming world and characters
  • Non-linear gameplay with lots of side quests
  • New quality-of-life features make the game more enjoyable

The Bad

  • Dated graphics might be a turn-off for some
  • Frustrating platforming sections
  • Sometimes obtuse puzzle design
  • Might feel overpriced for what it offers

Final Thoughts

Tomba! Special Edition is a bit like finding an old toy in your attic. It might not shine as brightly as you remember, and it might feel a bit clunky compared to your new gadgets. But there’s still a charm to it, a reminder of a time when games weren’t afraid to be weird and experimental.

If you’re willing to put up with some dated design choices and frustrating moments, you’ll find a quirky, unique adventure that still has the power to surprise and delight. Just don’t go in expecting a modern gaming experience, and you might find yourself having a pretty good time with this pink-haired cave boy and his pig-fighting adventures.

“In the 6 or 7 hours it takes to complete the game, I learned the language of Dwarves by jumping on their heads and biting them, ate a lot of mushrooms, helped a monkey find his pants, met some old dudes, battled evil pigs, got angry a few times, got impressed a few times, wound up a tad confused and helped a village by brewing some wine. That’s not a bad way to spend a few hours.”

And really, isn’t that what gaming is all about? Having fun, experiencing something new, and maybe getting a little confused along the way. Tomba! Special Edition might not be for everyone, but for those willing to take the plunge, it’s a wild ride through a piece of gaming history. So why not give it a shot? You might just find yourself falling in love with this weird, wonderful world of evil pigs and pink-haired heroes.

Just remember: when in doubt, bite your enemies. It’s the Tomba way!

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